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Lincoln A. Draper
Lincoln A. Draper
Lincoln A. Draper

Lincoln A. Draper

BiographyArtist Statement:

A native New Mexican, I have been working as a free-lance photographer in Albuquerque for over twenty years. I am primarily self-taught and I have photographs in the collections of the Albuquerque Museum, the Harwood Museum in Taos as well as numerous private collections. In addition, my images have won many awards in local shows and exhibitions. I am currently co-owner of Remarque Printworkshop, a studio workshop and gallery dedicated to the making and displaying of fine-art prints.

Landscape photography has always been an important component of my work, and I have been particularly moved by trying to evoke in black and white the many moods and feelings of the New Mexico landscape. I am also interested in finding formal patterns in the objects of our environment and in evoking the feelings or moods that inhere in these patterns. In this way photography becomes for me a process of revelation and recollection that furthers my efforts toward creating meaning and identity. I am also dedicated to rendering my images in fine prints. In the past I printed in platinum and palladium, and more recently I have turned to making photogravure prints from my images.
Person TypeIndividual