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Peter Blanc
Peter Blanc
Peter Blanc

Peter Blanc

BiographyWilliam Peters Blanc is a contemporary artist considered well established, William Peter Blanc was born in 1912. Artists William H. Avery, Hussein Bicar, Joan Brodsgaard, Peter Robert Berry, and Pierre Louis Brandel are of the same generation. Born in 1912, William Peter Blanc grew up during the 1930s and was influenced by the artistic culture of the time. The period of the 1930s is epitomised by the clashing of many political ideologies, including Marxist Socialism, Capitalist Democracy, and the Totalitarianism of both Communism and Fascism. Surrealism continued to dominate in Europe, and had influence internationally. Artists such as Frida Kahlo and Diego Riviera in Mexico, worked to integrate the ideas posed by Surrealism into their radical political philosophies, developing a new kind of magic realism.
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